Digital Signal Processing Reference
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Figure 2.4 w(x)ofMLT(n) estimators.
By equation (2.25), C w can be interpreted as a weighted covariance matrix. Hence,
a robust weight function w should descend to zero. This means that small weights are
given to those observations z i that are highly outlying in terms of measure z i
C 1
w z i .It
downweights highly deviating observations and consequently makes their influence in
the error criterion bounded. Note that SCM C is an M -estimator that gives unit weight
( w ; 1) to all observations. Figure 2.4 plots the weight function (2.24) of MLT( n ) esti-
mators for selected values of n . Note that weight function (2.24) tends to weight func-
tion w ; 1 of the SCM as expected (since T k , n tends to F k distribution when n !1 ).
Thus, MLT( n ) C for large values of n .
Some examples of M -estimators are given next; See [43-45, 48] for more detailed
descriptions of these estimators.
Huber's M - estimator , labeled HUB( q ), is defined via weight
for x c 2
1 =b ,
w ( x ) ¼
c 2
for x . c 2
= ( xb ),
where c is a tuning constant defined so that q ¼ F x 2 k (2 c 2 ) for a chosen
q (0 , q 1) and the scaling factor b ¼ F x 2( 1) (2 c 2 ) þc 2 (1 q ) =k . The choice
q ¼ 1 yields w ; 1, that is, HUB(1) correspond to the SCM. In general, low
values of q increase robustness but decrease efficiency at the nominal circular
CN model. Figure 2.5. depicts weight function of HUB( q ) estimators for selected
values of q .
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