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Numerical Simulations of Interacting
Galaxies: Bar Morphology
J.C. Luna Sánchez, M.A. Rodríguez Meza, A. Arrieta and R. Gabbasov
Abstract We present several numerical simulations of the collision of two spiral
galaxies. A spiral galaxy is modelled with a spherical bulge and halo and a Freeman
disc. The bulge is composed of a collisionless collection of stars; the halo is composed
of a set of collisionless particles of unknown nature, we only need to know their
gravitational influence and that the halo particles do not collide among them; and
the disc is composed of stars only, gas or dust are not considered in this work. A
bar is usually formed due to tidal effects after the first encounter of the spirals and
we have found that this was the case in all the numerical experiments we did. The
bar morphology is then studied during the evolution of the collision process. Here
the morphology is the bar formation in the spiral discs, its geometry, i.e., minor
and major axis length; and also we show how one of the collision galaxy partners
change its disc geometry due to impact of the other galaxy. We show finally how
the morphology of spiral galaxies changes due to collision geometrical parameters:
impact parameter or the angle between symmetry axes of the spiral discs.
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