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Heffelfinger et al. 1987 ), thus providing novel properties to that system. It also creates
layers near the walls hence affecting crystallization on the system (Alba-Simionesco
et al. 2006 ). Confinement also induces a non-uniform distribution of the particles'
density (Magda et al. 1985 ). As one can see, confinement may provide new char-
acteristics to constrained interacting systems, hence the necessity of studying them.
Recent theoretical and computational works studying the influence of confinement
on interacting fluids are given by Karbowniczek and Chrzanowska ( 2013 ), Das and
Singh ( 2013 ), Hartkamp et al. ( 2012 ).
In this research we use Molecular Dynamics simulations to study the effect of
interactions and confinement (walls) on particles diffusion. We extend previous stud-
ies by analyzing the mean squared displacement of an interacting fluid constrained
to a circular, square and triangular cavity. The interactions among particles and walls
are modeled by means of three classic interaction potentials namely, Lenard-Jones
(CLJ), soft Lenard-Jones (SLJ) and hard Lenard-Jones (HLJ) potentials, and whose
differences in the interaction they produce are also analyzed. This work is organized
as follows. In Sect. 2 we set up the problem and detailed information on the sim-
ulations is given. Section 3 presents the obtained results, and finally we offer our
conclusions in Sect. 4 .
Consider a fluid made up of spherical interacting particles of mass m , diameter
˃ , and confined in a two-dimensional closed cavity of three prototypical shapes
(circular, square and triangular, as shown in Fig. 1 ). Particle-particle and particle-
wall interactions are modeled via the Lennard-Jones potential. Thus we formally
solve for a set of coupled first order differential equations for the position r i and
momentum p i of the i -particle
Fig. 1 (Color online) Schematics of the three cavities studied. Note that the spherical particles
forming the walls and the fluid particles, have the same diameter ˃ for all cavities. a circular cavity;
b square cavity; c triangular cavity
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