Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 5 Profiles of the solidification front as a function of time. Starting at the uppermost profile
downwards, the position of the solidification fronts are captured at t = 6.1, 7.6, 9.2, 10.7, 12.3, 13.8,
15.4, 17.7 min
Fig. 6 Normalized position of the solidification front h and Rayleigh number based on the height
of the liquid region as functions of time. In the inset, the log-log plot of the solidification front
position as a function of time is given to establish the h
t 1 / 2
15.7 min. The
vertical lines in the inset indicate the times corresponding to 3 and 15.7 min respectively
relation for t
The time evolution of the position of the (normalized) solidification front h
0) and the Rayleigh number Ra are shown in Fig. 6 . The front starts
moving at t
7 min (indicated in the graph with a vertical line) and reaches its
maximum value at t
40 min. The Rayleigh number is a monotonously decreasing
function of time, but before the formation of the solidification front, the slope is
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