Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 3 Oxygen and coke concentration profiles as function of time and fracture Peclet number
(W f = 1 . 67d p )
3.2 Effect of the Fracture Width
As the fracture width increases the amount of oxygen being transported through the
fracture is augmented. As the oxygen storage in the fracture is increased, the oxygen
flow from the fracture to the matrix is enhanced. This issue is shown in Fig. 4 where
oxygen concentration profiles are presented for t = 55 and 255 s, andW f =
1.67, 3.34
and 6.67d p . The arrows direction show that oxygen is transported from the fracture
and, in this way, the coke is faster consumed as W f increases.
4 Conclusions
The oxygen transport, in a matrix-fracture system saturated by nitrogen, was mod-
eled numerically, at pore scale. In an in-situ combustion process, a coke-oxygen
reaction occurs and it was taken into account. The oxygen distribution was studied
in the matrix-fracture system as a function of: (1) the oxygen flow rate, and (2) the
fracture width. It was found that increasing such parameters stimulate: (1) the coke
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