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Graphical Analysis of Fluid Flow Through
Polymeric Complex Structures Using
Multi-scale Simulations
Estela Mayoral-Villa, Mario A. Rodríguez-Meza, Jaime Klapp,
Eduardo de la Cruz-Sánchez, César Ruiz-Ferrel
and Aaron Gómez-Villanueva
Abstract Efficient and detailed visualization of fluid flow simulations through
complex meso-porous structures are fundamental for many applications in different
areas such as medicine, biotechnology, oil recovery procedures, industry applica-
tions, environmental science and design of new intelligent and efficient meso-porous
materials. Here we present the visual results of polymeric fluid flow through differ-
ent complex porous media using multi-scale simulations performed over graphical
processors (GPU's). A Lagrangian numerical model known as Smoothed Particle
Hydrodynamics (SPH) was used in order to simulate the flow through complex struc-
tures taken from real images or from other simulations which represents different
porousmedia. Performance of themodel and its visualizationwere analyzed for a reg-
ular and also for an irregular three-dimensional array of solid spheres that represents
a porous media with different polymeric fluids. The comprehensive examination of
different sections in the system help us to analyze in an improved way the dynam-
ical behavior of fluids through sophisticated structures. Micro-channels built via
mesoscopic Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) simulations were also introduced
Winner poster in the gallery of fluids of the XIX Congress of the Fluid Dynamic Division of the
Mexican Physical Society.
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