Environmental Engineering Reference
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cardiac model. The motivation is to create a simulation scenario as comprehensive
as possible, recreating with the highest detail the heart, in line with both the dramatic
improvement of data acquisition techniques and the steep ramp of computational
power increase.
To be comprehensive enough, themodel should include electrical activation, mech-
anical deformation, blood flow, perfusion, systemic contributions, cell models, etc., in
a well-defined geometry with the best anatomical information available. In this paper
we have presented results for two kinds of problems. First, the electro-mechanical
simulation and the model's ability to measure the sensitivity of outputs to differ-
ent inputs are shown. Second, we introduce some simple examples of the coupled
electro-mechanical-fluid problem.We additionally show the scalability of the electro-
mechanical problem up to 100K cores of NCSA's Blue Waters supercomputer.
Fig. 9 Motion sequence of a tissue bar under electromechanical contraction, showing the velocity
vectors of the blood as it moves around it
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