Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 6 Disjoining pressure isotherms for 20 molecules of short-chain M w = 400, versus 10 mole-
cules of long-chain M w =
800 surfactant molecules of the PEG-type. Taken from Gama Goicochea
et al. ( 2009 )
water at room temperature, and promotes polymer adsorption onto the substrate over
solvent adsorption. For the spring constant in the polymer DPD-particles k
has been chosen with an equilibrium distance of r eq
7. The temperature was
kept constant at T
300 K.
It could be observed that shorter polymers are better as dispersants when compared
with longer ones at the same monomer concentration. If we multiply the dimension-
r c 3
depicted in the figure by k B T
(cf. Eq. 18 ), the disjoining pressure for
10 5 Pa larger than that for the longer chains at cer-
tain wall separations. Stability via surface modification is then much better attained
through the use of monomeric species than through polymer chains. The same behav-
iour is found for grafted polymers (cf. Gama Goicochea et al. ( 2009 ) for details).
short polymers can be up to 4
4.4 Radius of Gyration
The radius of gyration is a measure of the size of an object of arbitrary shape. For a
polymer chain in solution, however, this is not a very useful definition as it can take
many different configurations. One may calculate a root mean square end-to-end
distance R RMS of the chain as
= (
r N
r 0 )
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