Hardware Reference
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a) Implement this machine using the pointer-based technique and VHDL or System-
Verilog. Start by making the proper adaptations (using pointer(s)) in the state transi-
tion diagram. Create an array of constants to be placed at the output in states B and
F, and chose numeric values for y A , y C , y D , etc.
b) Show simulation results. To ease the inspection of the results, use 3 instead of 8
and 2 instead of 7 in the repetitions.
Exercise 15.4: Clock with LCD Display
Redo the design of section 14.1.3 using the pointer-based technique. Start by drawing
the adapted (using pointer(s)) state transition diagram. After compilation, compare
the resources usage (especially the number of l ip-l ops) against the results obtained
after compiling the code of section 14.1.3.
Exercise 15.5: I 2 C Interface for an RTC
Redo the design of section 14.2.5 using the pointer-based technique. Start by drawing
the adapted (using pointer(s)) state transition diagram. After compilation, compare
the resources usage (especially the number of l ip-l ops) against the results obtained
after compiling the code of section 14.2.5.
Exercise 15.6: SPI Interface for an ADC
Solve exercise 14.8 using the pointer-based technique.
Exercise 15.7: SPI Interface for an Accelerometer
Solve exercise 14.10 using the pointer-based technique.
Exercise 15.8: I 2 C Interface for an ADC
Solve exercise 14.4 using the pointer-based technique.
Exercise 15.9: I 2 C Interface for a Temperature Sensor
Solve exercise 14.5 using the pointer-based technique.
Exercise 15.10: I 2 C Interface for an Accelerometer
Solve exercise 14.11 using the pointer-based technique.
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