Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 14.18
FM25L512 FRAM memory: Pinout, opcodes, and status register.
Figure 14.19
(a) Setup for the experiment. (b) FRAM wiring.
Note in i gure 14.18 that besides the SPI pins ( SCK , SSn , MOSI , MISO ), the chip
contains also two other control pins, called WPn (write protect) and HOLDn . The
purpose of WPn is, together with bits 7 ( WPEN ), 3 ( BP1 ), and 2 ( BP0 ) of the status
register, to allow several protection modes against writing to both the memory and
the status register. For example, with WPn = '1' and WPEN = BP1 = BP0 = '0', all writ-
ings are allowed (see other protection options in the device's datasheets). The role of
HOLDn is to handle interrupts.
In addition to the bits mentioned above, there is another programmable bit in the
status register, called WEL (write enable latch), which determines whether writing is
allowed (when '1') or not (when '0'). Only when WEL = '1' are the protection options
mentioned above in place (any writing is forbidden while WEL = '0'). Because this bit
is automatically zeroed at power up or at the upward transition of SSn after a WRITE,
WRSR, or WRDI opcode, any write action must start with the WREN opcode because
that is the only way of setting WEL to '1' (writing to the status register does not affect
this bit).
Figure 14.19 shows the setup for the experiment. The inputs are wr (write) and rd
(read) commands plus the traditional clock (assumed to be 50 MHz) and reset ( wr , rd ,
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