Hardware Reference
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Figure 1.14
Weak and strong candidates for the FSM approach.
time (as will be shown in chapter 8, dealing with time-dependent transitions is more
complex than dealing with regular transitions), so this candidate is not as weak as the
previous one.
The candidate in i gure 1.14c has more states and more control inputs than the
previous one, resulting in a relatively strongly interconnected diagram. Consequently,
this is a strong candidate for the FSM approach.
The i nal candidate, in i gure 1.14d, has many states and several control inputs,
resulting in a highly interconnected diagram. For this kind of candidate, the FSM
approach is indispensable.
1.11 List of Main Machines Included in the Topic
—Arbiter (bus access)
—Blinking light (with special features)
—Car alarms (basic and with chirps)
—Datapath controller for a greatest common divisor
—Datapath controller for a largest-value detector
—Datapath controller for a sequential divider
—Datapath controller for a sequential multiplier
—Datapath controller for a square root calculator
—Datapath controller for an accumulator
—Debouncers (single and multiple, without and with one-shot conversion and memory)
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