Hardware Reference
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Figure 12.2
Simulation results from the VHDL code for the serial data receiver of i gure 11.14d, with N = 8.
In this kind of application glitches during clock transitions are generally not a
problem. In any case, because y is one of the signals that go through an auxiliary
register, if a glitch-free/pipelined output is required we can simply send out y_reg
instead of y .
Observe the correct use of registers and the completeness of the code, as described
in comment number 10 of section 6.3.
The number of l ip-l ops inferred by the compiler on synthesizing the code below,
with regular sequential encoding (section 3.7), was 14 for N = 8 and 40 for N = 32.
Simulation results are shown in i gure 12.2, for x =“1011”.
1 --------------------------------------------------------
2 library ieee;
3 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
4 --------------------------------------------------------
5 entity serial_data_receiver is
6 generic (N: natural := 4); --number of bits (any >0)
7 port (
8 x, dv, clk, rst: in std_logic;
9 done: out std_logic;
10 y: buffer std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0));
11 end entity;
12 --------------------------------------------------------
13 architecture moore_fsm of serial_data_receiver is
--FSM-related declarations:
type state is (idle, store0, store1);
signal pr_state, nx_state: state;
--Auxiliary-register-related declarations:
signal y_reg: std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0);
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