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Figure 11.18
a) Based on the given data, draw a Moore-type state transition diagram for this
problem. Include a reset signal but assume that it can be asserted only at power-up.
b) Based on your state diagram, i ll in the waveform for pr_state in the i gure.
c) Redo part a assuming now that a reset pulse is applied to the FSM before each new
computation starts. Can you i nd a solution with fewer states than in a?
d) Draw an illustrative timing diagram, similar to that in i gure 11.17, for the FSM
developed in part c.
e) How many DFFs are needed to build each machine developed above, assuming that
sequential encoding is used and that x is a 32-bit vector (so y can go from 0 to 32)?
Exercise 11.4: Leading-Ones Counter
The circuit of i gure 11.18 must count the number of '1's before a '0' is found in a
serial bit vector x . The vector is delimited by a data-valid bit (the counting must occur
during all the time while dv = '1'). Study the illustrative timing diagram included in
the i gure. Observe that dv and x (= “111110000,” so N = 9) are updated at positive
clock edges, which are the same edges at which the FSM must operate.
a) Draw a state transition diagram for this machine.
b) Based on your machine, complete the plots for y and pr_state in the i gure.
c) Say that we want the output value to remain stable (constant) during the computa-
tions, with the current value replaced only when a new value is ready. How can that
be done? (Suggestion: see section 3.11.)
Exercise 11.5: Long-String Comparator
Develop an FSM that detects if two serial bit streams a and b of length N are pair-wise
equal. This is an extension to the example of section 11.7.2 in which the FSM had to
detect if the last N bits were equal. The circuit ports are depicted in the upper part of
i gure 11.19, which also shows an XNOR gate ( x = '1' when a = b ). The desired behavior
is also illustrated in the i gure for N = 4. Note in the y and done waveforms that after
every four bits, starting right after the reset pulse, done must be asserted, informing
that a complete block has been inspected, with y high during that pulse if the four
pairs of bits were equal ( x = '1' in all four time slots) or low otherwise.
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