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11.8 Exercises
Exercise 11.1: Machines Category
a) Why are the state machines in i gures 11.5, 11.6, and 11.7 (among others) said to
be of category 3?
b) What types of transitions (section 1.6) can category 3 machines have?
c) What differentiates category 3 from categories 1 and 2?
Exercise 11.2: Generic Counter with a Stop Value
Say that we must design a counter that starts at x min and stops (and remains there)
when x max is reached, only returning to the initial value and running again after a
reset pulse is applied to the circuit. As in section 11.7.1, the counter must have an
enable input ( ena ) that allows the counter to run when asserted or holds it
a) Draw a Moore-type state transition diagram for this counter modeled as a category
3 machine.
b) Does the number of states depend on the counting range?
c) Does the number of l ip-l ops depend on the counting range? How many are needed
to build your machine with x min = 1 and x max = 200?
d) Is it advantageous or necessary to use the FSM approach to design counters in
Exercise 11.3: Hamming-Weight Calculator
The circuit of i gure 11.17 must determine the Hamming weight (number of '1's) of
a serial bit vector x . The vector is delimited by a data-valid bit (the counting must
occur during all the time while dv = '1'). Study the illustrative timing diagram included
in the i gure. Observe that dv and x (= “100110101,” so N = 9) are updated at positive
clock edges and that the FSM too operates at positive clock edges (see the plot for y ).
As usual, small propagation delays were included to portray a more realistic
Figure 11.17
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