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Moore machines, whereas for asynchronous output a Mealy machine is the natural
Figure 8.27b shows three options for the asynchronous input: in graph 1, x lasts
one clock period; in graph 2, it lasts more than one clock period but not more than
T ; in graph 3, it lasts less than one (or even less than one-half of a) clock period. In
all cases the output pulse ( y ) must have the same length T . Because stretchers can be
synchronous or asynchronous, two options are shown for the output. In the asyn-
chronous case (upper plot for y ), the output goes up as soon as the input goes up
(thus, the total length is obviously
T ), whereas in the synchronous case (lower plot
for y ), the output changes only at clock edges. As usual, small propagation delays were
included between clock transitions and the corresponding responses to portray a
realistic situation.
Figure 8.27c shows three options for the synchronous input: in graph 4, x lasts one
clock period; in graph 5, it lasts more than one but less than T clock periods; in graph
6, it lasts at least one-half of a clock period. Again, the output can be asynchronous
(upper plot for y ) or synchronous (lower plot for y ). Note that the asynchronous output
looks synchronous, but rigorously speaking it is not because its starting point is deter-
mined by x , not directly by the clock. Observe that in the truly synchronous case the
negative clock edge was adopted for the FSM (so x and y are updated at opposite clock
Solutions for two of the cases presented in
i gure 8.27 are shown in
i gure 8.28. The
i rst solution is for the synchronous case of
i gure 8.27b, valid for inputs 1 and 2;
because this circuit is synchronous, it was implemented with a Moore machine (
i gure
Figure 8.28
(a) Moore solution for the synchronous case of i gure 8.27b, covering inputs 1-2, and (b) an
illustrative timing diagram. (c) Mealy solution for the asynchronous case of i gure 8.27c, covering
inputs 4-5, and (d) an illustrative timing diagram.
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