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Figure 5.21
Figure 5.22
states or a l ag or to convert the inputs into one-shot signals with one-clock-period
Exercise 5.12: Time Behavior of a String Detector
Consider the Moore-type state machine of i gure 5.14a, which detects the sequence
abc ” for the case of a
c , where x and y represent the input and output,
a) Complete the timing diagram of i gure 5.22 for the given values of x . Note that a
little propagation delay was included between the clock transitions and the respective
changes in the present state; do the same for y .
b) Does the output go up immediately when the sequence “ abc ” occurs or only at the
next (positive) clock edge? Is this result as you expected? (Recall that Moore machines
are fully synchronous.)
Exercise 5.13: Generic Overlapping String Detector
We saw in section 5.4.9 a generic approach for the implementation of nonoverlapping
string detectors. In that case, if the sequence to be detected were “ aba ”, for example,
the response to the serial bit stream “ abababab …” would be “00100010001…”, whereas
here, because overlaps must be allowed, it should be “0010101…”. Can you i nd a
generic solution (with or without a state machine) for this case?
Exercise 5.14: Keypad Encoder
Figure 5.23a shows a 12-key keypad for which we need to design an encoder (and
possibly also a debouncer—debouncers are discussed in chapter 8). The actual push-
button connections can be seen in i gure 5.23b, where r (3:0) and c (2:0) represent the
keypad's rows and columns, respectively. Note that because of the pull-up resistors,
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