Graphics Reference
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5. Paris, S., Durand, F.: A Fast Approximation of the Bilateral Filter Using a Signal
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6. Farbman, Z., Fattal, R., Lischinski, D., Szeliski, R.: Edge-preserving Decompositions for
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7. Alleysson, D., Süsstrunk, S.: On Adaptive Non-linearity for Color Discrimination and
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8. Duan, J., Bressan, M., Dance, C., Qiu, G.: Tone-mapping High Dynamic Range Images by
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9. Yun, B.J., Park, J., Kim, S., et al.: Color Correction for High Dynamic Range Images
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10. Mantiuk, R., Mantiuk, R., Tomaszewska, A., Heidrich, W.: Color Correction for Tone
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11. Durand, F., Dorsey, J.: Fast Bilateral Filtering for the Display of High-dynamic-range
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12. Reinhard, E., Stark, M., Shirley, P., Ferwerda, J.: Photographic Tone Reproduction for
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13. Meylan, L., Susstrunk, S.: High Dynamic Range Image Rendering With a Retinex-Based
Adaptive Filter. IEEE Trans. Image Processing 15(9) (September 2006)
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