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In-Depth Information
1. Wang, M., Wang, X.: The contract tactical plotting. Shijiazhuang Army Command College
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2. Hermansky, H., Morgan, N.: RASTA processing of speech. IEEE Transactions on Speech
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3. Burget, L., Motlcek, P., Grezl, F., et al.: Distributed speech recognition. Radio Engineering
Prague 11(4), 36-39 (2002)
4. Ramirez, J., Gorriz, J.M., Segura, J.: Improved voice activity detection based on integrated
bispectrum likelihood ratio tests for robust speech recognition. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121(5),
1034-1221 (2007)
5. Ferrans, J., Engelsma, J.: Software architectures for networked mobile speech applications.
Automatic Speech Recognition on Mobile Devices and over Communication Networks 304
6. Young, S., Evermann, G., Gales, M., et al.: The HTK book(for HTK version 3.4).
Cambridge University Engineering Department (2006)
7. Ren, Z.: The study And Realization of speech interaction method based on the SAPI engine.
Luoyang Industrial University (1), 19-25 (2005)
8. Baidu Encyclopedia.Nuance
9. Xia, S., Xia, Z.: The guide of plotting, vol. (12), pp. 54-57. Military Science Press (2004)
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