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for reducing network load and flow, improve the real-time visual simulation, and
explain our idea and method of preliminary solution.
DIS Visual Simulation and MMO
With the improvment in science and technology, current combat is becoming infor-
matization and many dimensions; the traditional training and practice mode does not fit
the requirement of modern war. The computer simulation has some advantages, such as
low risk, low investment, and no influence of time and environment and so on; and it
replaced the traditional way. However, one single simulator has solved the problem of
training of a singe member, it can't fit the needs of high level training task such as
cooperation and unit tactic. For example, to train the best commander, best driver and
best shooter at the same time, the fighting capacity of this combination may be weak; in
addition, one single vehicle has powerful fighting capacity, but when they form a
platoon or company, the fighting capacity may not be powerful. The DIS just deal with
this problem[1]. Among them, the key to the training experience in direct vision is the
virtual battlefield scene simulation, fluent.
In 1993 started the SIMNET research plan which was made by USA DARPA and
US Army together. Until now, DIS goes through 4 main phases: development and
application of SIMNET, development and application of DIS and ALSP and devel-
opment and application of HLA after 1995. The USA was the first country to promote
DIS/HLA technology study. Under the leading of DMSO, many crews from industry,
research departments, colleges and troops have allied together to focus on this tech-
nology, and make great progress. The DIS of research has been applied, and accom-
plished many DIS and ALSP engineering project based on virtual simulation. Related
agreement and standard have been completed or are in the standardizing procedure[2].
When discussing DIS, the following concepts will be used: simulation entity, simula-
tion node, simulation application, simulation management computer, simulation prac-
tice and simulation host machine [1].
There are many simulation nodes in one DIS network. Each simulation node can be a
simulation host machine, or a network switch device. One or more simulation appli-
cation, which can interact with each other, makes up a simulation practice. The simu-
lation application in one simulation practice would share one practice identifier. Each
simulation application is responsible for maintaining the state of one or more simula-
tion entity; and the simulation entity is one unit in simulation environment. If the si-
mulation host machine has the simulation management software, this host machine
becomes a simulation management computer that is responsible for completing part or
overall simulation management function.
The basic concep of DIS, such simulation application, simulation entity, and simu-
lation host machine, etc., is still used by HLA. However, some concep is descripted
with other name and intension of some has been expanded in HLA. HLA also brings
some new conceps [3] as explained in following paragraph:
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