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2. Lee, P.H., Wu, S.W., Hung, Y.P.: Illumination Compensation Using Oriented Local His-
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3. Georghiades, A.S., Belhumeur, P.N., Riegman, D.K.: From Few to Many: Illumination
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5. Fan, C.N., Zhang, F.Y.: Illumination Invariant Extracting Algorithm Based on Nonsub-
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6. Land, E.H.: An Alternative Technique for Computation of the Designator in the Retinex
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7. Park, Y.K., Park, S.L., Kim, J.K.: Retinex Method Based on Adaptive Smoothing for Illu-
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8. Jung, C., Sun, T., Jiao, L.C.: Eye Detection under Varying Illumination Using the Retinex
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9. Song, H.D., Lin, X.Z.: Eye Location Under Varying Illumination ( 变化光照条件下人眼定
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10. Xie, X.H., Zheng, W.S., Lai, J.H., et al.: Normalization of Face Illumination Based on
Large- and Small-scale Features. IEEE Transaction on Image Processing 7, 1807-1821
11. Sun, Y.K.: Wavelet Transform and Processing Technology of Image and Graph ( 小波变换
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