Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
To avoid becoming too extensive in this discussion on topology, let's just define some
concepts the easy way: The set of faces that the Loop Cut and Slide tool cuts through is
called a face loop ; the set of edges added after using the Loop Cut and Slide tool, as the set
of edges selected by Alt + Left Clicking on an edge, is called an edge loop ; on the vertex level,
a vertex connected to a number of edges different than four is called a pole , and performs
the task of redirecting face loops. Take some ime to analyze the mesh that we just modeled
and see how the face loops, edge loops, and poles (verices connected to three or ive edges)
were put in the right place to help get the desired shape.
Shading the Fighter Aircraft
With the mesh finished and ready, we just need to add some basic shading to it. Thankfully,
the shader is very easy to create and looks very good on the model.
Engage Thrusters
Select the fighterBody object and switch to Edit Mode .
Then go to the Material tab in the Properties Editor and add two material slots (the
buton with the plus icon, on the right of the list of material slots), along with two
disinct materials (select each slot and click on the plus icon next to the material
name, below the list of material slots). Name the first material fighterBody and the
second one fighterCabin. .
The fighterBody material must be set as follows:
F Diffuse color: 0.19 Red, 0.19 Green, 0.19 Blue
F Specular panel:
Intensity: 0.3
Hardness: 10
F Shading panel:
Ambient: 0.0
Cubic Interpolaion: Enabled
Here we set a quite dark diffuse color. Add some specularity to it and disable the
ambient lighing for this material (it controls the inluence of the Ambient color in
the World tab of the Properties Editor ). Finally, we enable cubic interpolaion, to
give the material more contrast between the lit and shadowed parts.
Next, go to the Texture tab in the Properties Editor and add two textures; name the
first one lightgrayBlots and set it as follows:
F Tex t u r e Ty p e : C l o u d s
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