Graphics Programs Reference
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F Lamp 5:
Type: Hemi
Color: 0.74 Red, 0.9 Green, 1 Blue
Energy: 0.3
This Layer Only: Enabled
Locaion: 4.06 X, -9.05 Y, 5.15 Z
Rotaion: 61.35º X, 16.26º Y, 15.45º Z
These two lamps are set to only light objects living in the same layer as they are,
so they will provide lighing only for the mother ship (this doesn't mean that the
mother ship will only be lit by these lights!). Lamp 4 provides a dim orange int to
the ship, to convey the idea of the planet's relected light afecing the ship; the
seings for the area of the lamp cause its lighing to be distributed, which will give
a nice sot distribuion of lighing; the gamma seing is used as a trick to lower the
contrast of the lighing provided by this lamp. Lamp 5 is used as a simple ill light for
the backside of the ship, again with a blueish int, like all the ill lights in the scene.
Noice that both lamps do care about the direcion to which they are poining, so
their rotaion values are provided.
Layer 3 will have no lights added and for layer 4 we have to work on creaing the
lights that will cause the energy shield to be shaded using the nice shader we
created for it.
14. Start by adding a lamp with these seings ( Object Data tab of the Properties
Editor ):
F Lamp panel:
Type: Point
Color: 1 Red, 1 Green, 1 Blue
Energy: 3
Distance: 2.23
Sphere: Enabled
This Layer Only: Enabled
Locaion: 1.31 X, 2.76 Y, 2.45 Z
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