Graphics Programs Reference
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Let's start by creaing the materials and assigning them to the correct geometric parts of the
1. Go to the Properties Editor and locate the Material tab, locate the list of material
slots and click on the buton with the plus sign, on the right-hand side of it, unil you
get a total of four slots. The slots will have no names, which means that no material
is assigned.
2. Since we need a different material for each slot, we must select each slot and click
on the buton with the plus sign that is below the Select buton (below the material
slots list; remember we are in Edit Mode ). As of now we must have four slots, each
one with a different material name.
Now select each material and put a name to it by modifying the text in the text ield
that is now located where the buton used to add a material to each slot iniially
was; pick the name from the list of shader names given earlier.
To a s s i g n e a c h m a t e r i a l t To t h e c To r re s p To n d i n g m e s h fa c e s , m a ke s u r e t To h av e Face
Select Mode acive, deselect all faces, and then select the cabin by using the Select
Linked tool (hover the mouse pointer over that part of the mesh and press the L
key), then go to the Properties Editor , select the sf_cristalCabin material, and
click on the Assign buton, located just below the material slots list. Do the same
for the corresponding mesh parts for the other three materials. Since the body and
wings are not separated mesh patches, it will be necessary to work on selecing
each one by hand ( Select → Border can be of help).
An easy way to check if each material is assigned to the correct mesh parts
is to choose a different strong diffuse color for each one and check in the
3D View that each material is assigned to the correct faces in the mesh. The
difuse color is located right below the itle of the difuse panel of the material
that is currently selected.
5. Let's now list the values for the diferent properies of the material sf_
cristalCabin :
F Diffuse color: 0.64 Red, 0.74 Green, 0.80 Blue
F Specular panel:
Specular Intensity: 0.92
Specular Hardness 13
Ambient: 0.4 (Shading panel)
Let's explain what these seings are for:
F Diffuse color is for giving a metal bluish color to the cabin.
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