Graphics Programs Reference
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Modeling the Shell
We'll be creaing the shell shape irst. For this task, we're going to apply a very nice technique
for geing the main shape easily done and then proceed to perform some hand tweaking.
Prepare for Lift Off
Let's fire up Blender, delete the default cube from the scene, and save the file as
snail.blend in the project's directory.
Engage Thrusters
1. To s t a r t w i t h t h e m To d e l i n g To f t h e s h e l l , l e t ' s s w i t c h t To Front View (Numpad 1 ) and
go to View → View Persp/Ortho (Numpad 5 ) to set it to Orthographic . Let's also
make sure to have the 3D Cursor located at the origin of the 3D World ( View panel ,
in the Properties Sidebar ).
2. Then go to Add → Mesh → Circle , go to the Tool Shelf ( View → Tool Shelf ), and
set the number of verices to 10 and enable the Align to View opion. Let's also go
to Object → Apply → Rotation ( Ctrl + A → Rotation ) to ensure the object gets its
rotaion reset.
3. Before switching to Edit Mode , let's now change the name of the circle to shell
( Item panel , in the Properties Sidebar ).
4. Now let's switch to Edit Mode , select all the verices ( A key, once or twice) and
move them 2.89 units along the X axis ( G key, X key, then type 2.89 ).
5. The next step is to extrude the whole circle. Press Escape to keep the extrusion in
place, then go to Mesh → Vertices → Hooks → Hook to New Object to create
an empty object to use as the hook for the extruded verices.
6. Let's now switch back to Object Mode , select the empty object added as the hook,
and set its name to empHook .
7. Let's make sure the 3D Cursor is located at the origin of the 3D World; add a new
Empty object and set its name to empArray .
8. Finally, let's select the empHook and empArray objects (in that order), go to
Object → Parent → Set ( Ctrl + P ), and select the Object entry from the list.
At this point, we have the basic setup of objects from which the shell shape can be created
very easily.
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