Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
The pose-to-pose method is a more structured and organized method, in which the
irst things that are deined are the key poses and the general iming of the acion. The
big advantages are the iteraive nature that it has and the very controlled iming; the
disadvantage is that the animator can't exercise the same level of freedom as when
animaing with the straight-ahead method.
In this project, we are applying the pose-to-pose method, mostly because it allows us to
have a clear idea of the process and the explanaion follows a clear and methodical path.
Animation Breakdowns
For our animaion to start having some life, we need to add a couple of poses between the
three key poses created previously. These poses are called breakdowns because they mark
the transiion between two key poses.
Engage Thrusters
1. Let's go to frame 11 and start working on the breakdown pose.
2. Select the spine1 bone and move it 0.17 units along the Z axis ( G key, Z key, then
type 0.17 ) so that the body of our character appears to be upright.
3. Coninue by selecing the foot1.L bone, and clearing its rotaion ( Pose → Clear
Transform → Rotation ) to get it aligned horizontally. Let's also clear the rotaion
for the foot2.L bone.
4. Now let's select the footIK.R bone and move it 0.48 units on the Z axis ( G key, Z key,
then type 0.48 ) and 0.13 units on the Y axis ( G key, Y key, then type 0.13 ).
5. Then select the foot2.R bone and clear its rotaion ( Pose → Clear Transform →
Rotation ).
6. For the hands, let's select the hand.L bone and rotate it 10º ( R key, then type 10 ),
and the hand.R bone and rotate it -5º (the R key, then type -5 ).
Now switch to Front View ( View → Front ), select the spine1 bone, and rotate it
-2º ( R key, then type -2 ). Coninue by selecing the spine3 bone and rotaing it
3º ( R key, then type 3 ), and inish by tweaking the arms by rotaing arm1.L and
arm1.R to get the arms close to the torso. This will give us the breakdown pose
that we are looking for. Let's check the following screenshot for the finished
breakdown pose:
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