Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
F Sensor 3:
Type: Mouse
Name: mousemove
Mouse Event: Movement
14. Then go to the second column, add a controller of type Python Script , and set its
name as look .
15. The last thing needed to complete the logic bricks setup is to connect the three
sensors of the mainControl object to the look controller and then connect the
output of the look controller to the baseMover and viewRot actuators of the
base and derived objects, respecively. Noice that it is possible to connect logic
bricks between different objects if we select them in the 3D View, which is very
16. The mainControl object must also have a couple of properies, so let's add two
properies to it. The irst must be named hold , its type set to Boolean , and the
toggle buton let unpressed (meaning False ). The second property must be named
pointerSpeed , its type set to Float , and its value set to 0.01 . The hold property
will be used to know if the user has the mouse buton clicked when the pointer
moves (which means the user wants to look around) and the pointerSpeed is just
used to control how sensiive the camera must be to mouse movements.
To wrap it up, let's take a look at the next three screenshots, detailing how the final setup
must look:
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