Graphics Programs Reference
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Setting Up the Objects for
the Game Engine
Up unil now, we've been working exclusively on the commonly known aspects of a 3D
project, namely the modeling and shading parts. This project, though, has a new component:
We want to create an interacive walkthrough. We decided to use the Blender Game Engine
for that. Now, the nice thing of using the BGE is that we don't have to go jumping through
hoops to get the models and shaders from the authoring software to the game engine. The
part that we deinitely cannot get for free is the creaion of the logic of the "game", though
Blender ofers us the very useful abstracion of logic bricks to avoid having to write too much
code for it.
Engage Thrusters
In this part we will perform two sub-tasks: Seing up the 3D objects needed for the logic
system that we are going to create and defining the logic bricks that will govern the flow of
the logic; the scriping will be let for the next task. Let's work on it.
Objects Setup
1. Let's start by switching to Object Mode (if we are not in it), adding an empty object
( Shift + A ), seing its locaion to 0 X , -18 Y , 0 Z ( Transform panel, Properties
sidebar), and changing its name to base .
2. With the base object selected, let's create a duplicate ( Object → Duplicate or
press Shift + D ) and move it ive units in the posiive direcion of the Z axis (the G
key, Z key, then type 5 ). Then change its name to derived .
3. Again select the base object, duplicate it, and move it three units in the negaive
direcion of the Y axis (the G key, Y key, then type -3 ). Let's set the name of this
duplicate to mainControl .
Now let's select the camera of the scene (or add one if there's no camera) and set
its transform properies ( Properties sidebar) as follows:
F Locaion: 0 X, -18 Y, 5 Z
F Rotaion: 90º X, 0º Y, 0º Z
To inish this part, let's perform the parening needed to get the object setup done.
Select the camera, then the derived object, and then go to Object → Parent → Set
( Ctrl + P ); that way, the derived object will be the immediate parent of the camera
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