Graphics Programs Reference
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71. Let's open the new bake-fence.tga image in Gimp and apply the Selecive
Gaussian Filter ( Filters → Blur → Selective Gaussian Blur ) by using 10 for the
radius and 100 for the Max. delta. Then we must go to Colors → Curve and apply
the curve shown in the previous screenshot. After we are done with this, let's save
the edited image, and close it.
72. Back in Blender, we just need to reload the image ( Image → Reload , in the UV/
Image Editor) to get it refreshed with the ediing done in Gimp.
Finally, let's set up the material for the fence object, using the two textures.
73. Switch to Object Mode and go to the Material tab in the Properies Editor; then
add a new material named fence , set its diffuse color to black, and enable the
Shadeless opion.
74. For the fence's material, we need to define the usual two textures. Go to the
Texture tab and start by adding a texture named fenceDiff of type Image or
Movie . Choose the bricks.jpg image from the image datablocks list ( Image
panel) and set it as follows:
F Mapping panel:
Coordinates: UV
Layer: diff
F Influence panel:
Color: Enabled
Blend: Add
75. Let's add the second texture; name it fenceBake . Change its type to Image
or Movie , select the bake-fence.tga image from the image datablocks
list ( Image panel), and set it as follows:
F Mapping panel:
Coordinates: UV
Layer: Bake
F Influence panel:
Color: Enabled
Blend: Muliply
We can take a close look at the object by using the GLSL shading method ( Display panel,
Properties sidebar) and seing the Viewport Shading to be "Textured". Let's also save the
file now.
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