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29. Back in Blender, let's go to the UV/Image Editor and click on Image → Open , select
the bake-grass.tga image from the hard disk, and open it.
30. Now it's ime to unwrap the mesh again, let's go to the 3D Viewport and
switch to Edit Mode (the grass object must be acive). If the UV/Image Editor
switches automaically to the grass.tga image, let's go there and switch back
to bake-grass.tga (click on the drop-down menu, to the left-hand side of the
name of the image).
31. Once the correct image is selected and the mesh is in Edit Mode, we just need to go
to the 3D View and unwrap the mesh ( Mesh → UV Unwrap... → Unwrap ). This will
give us a new 2D "mesh" above the image in the UV/Image Editor. We just need to
make sure it is enirely contained within the image and scale it down a bit to leave
some space between the borders of the image and the UV layout.
To c r e a t e t h e b a ke To f t h e l i g h t m a p , w e a re g To i n g t To u s e t h e A m b i e n t O c c l u s i To n
capabiliies of Blender's internal render engine, so we need to conigure it
32. Let's go to the World tab in the Properies Editor and set it as follows:
F Ambient Occlusion panel: Enabled
Factor: 1.3
Mode: Add (drop-down menu)
F Gather panel:
Method: Raytrace
Sampling: Adapive QMC
33. Then go to the Texture tab and let's set the Type of the skymap texture to None
(thus disabling it).
34. Ater all that coniguraion, we are ready to perform the bake; let's make sure
that the grass object is selected and the bake UV layer is the one that is acive ( UV
Texture panel in the Object Data tab of the Properies Editor). Then go to the
Render tab of the Properies Editor, locate the Bake panel, set the Bake Mode to
Full Render , and click on the Bake buton. We should see the bake-grass.tga
image geing illed in with a grayscale image showing the result of the bake.
The baked image has a small problem, though: It looks noisy.
35. To correct that, let's update the file on disk with the image we see currently in the
UV/Image Editor by going to Image → Save As... and then replacing the original
bake-grass.tga image (remember to set the File Type as Targa and enable the
Relative Path opion).
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