Graphics Programs Reference
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26. Now it's ime to switch to Edge select mode. Select the three edges connected to
the vertex located in the middle of the botom row of edges (front of the building),
and subdivide them ( Mesh → Edges → Subdivide ). We then need to tweak
around the verices that were just added by the subdivide operaion, to shape a
frame for the main entrance.
27. Right after that, let's select the two faces inside the shaped frame and extrude
them, press Escape to avoid moving the extrusion, and finally move it 0.3 units in
the posiive direcion of the Y axis (G key, Y key, and then type 0.3 ).
28. After the extrusion is moved, let's select the two horizontal faces below the door's
extrusion and delete them. Let's take a look at the following screenshot to beter
understand the process:
29. Let's inish this part by selecing the eight faces that form the frame for the door's
entrance. Then go to the Material tab of the Properies Editor, select the frames
material slot from the materials list, and click on the Assign buton. Then perform
the same process to assign the windows material to the two faces that form the
main door for the entrance (the ones selected in the lower part of the previous
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