Graphics Programs Reference
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Modeling the Building
We will start by modeling the objects in our scene. In this case we are going to create a very
simple scene, since our main purpose is to pay atenion to the process, and the techniques
involved in producing it. Let's take a look at a sketch showing what we are going to model:
Apart from the elements shown in the sketch, we will also be creaing a wall of bricks around
the base and a skydome surrounding all the other objects, to have a nice background.
In this irst task, our objecive is to model the building, which will be the main object of our
scene and also the most complex one (though not really complex at all).
Prepare for Lift Off
Let's open Blender, delete the default cube and rename the default scene from Scene to
walkthrough , then save the scene as walkthrough.blend in the project's directory.
Engage Thrusters
Switch to Front View ( View → Front ) and make sure the 3D Cursor is located at the
origin ( View → Align View → Center Cursor and View All or press Shift + C ).
Now add a plane ( Add → Mesh → Plane ); go to the Tool Shelf ( View → Tool
Shelf ), locate the Add Plane panel that appears in the lower part, and check the
opion for Align to View ; that way the plane gets oriented towards the front view.
Then locate the Item panel in the Properties sidebar ( View → Properties ) and
change the name of the object to building .
Switch to Edit Mode and enable the Face select mode, then select all the faces (the
A key, once or twice) and go to Mesh → Delete → Only Faces . This way, we are
let with only four verices and the edges connecing them.
Now perform an extrusion (the E key), press Escape , and then scale the extruded
geometry by a factor of 0.8 ( S key, then type 0.8 ).
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