Graphics Programs Reference
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4. With the floor object selected, let's go to the Material tab in the Properties
Editor and add a new material slot. With the new material slot selected, add a new
material by clicking on the New buton with the plus icon. Name the new material
as transp_floor . Now set it as follows:
F Ambient: 0.0 (Shading panel)
F Shadows Only: Enabled (Shadow panel)
What we just did was set the material of the floor to just be visible in the pixels
where an object has a shadow covering it, which means that the object will have a
nice shadow below, but without explicitly showing the object that is receiving the
rendered shadow. Disabling the ambient value prevents the shadow from being
illuminated too much, which would cause it not to be seen easily.
5. Now let's add a simple sphere object and put it outside the view of the camera. This
object will only serve the purpose of holding a material that will be used later, in the
scenes with the animaions to be included in the inal video.
6. Select the sphere, go to the Item panel in the Properties Sidebar , and name it
wire-sphere .
Next, go to the Material tab of the Properties Editor , add a new material named
wire , and set it as follows:
F Type: Wire
F Diffuse color: 0.0 Red, 0.0 Green, 0.0 Blue (Diffuse panel)
F Specular panel:
Specular Color: 0.26 Red, 0.003 Green, 0.0 Blue
Ramp: Enabled
Hardness: 5
F Transparency panel: Enabled
Method: Z Transparency
Z Ofset: 0.02 (Opions panel)
For the ramp, let's use these seings:
F First color stop:
Posiion: 0.0
Color: 0.0 Red, 0.0 Green, 0.0 Blue
Alpha: 0.0
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