Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
The easy way to check that our mesh is separated into the correct patches is by using the
Select Linked tool (select a vertex and then go to Select → Linked ); the way to use this
selecion tool is by simply poining to a vertex in the mesh and hiing the L key.
Objective Complete - Mini Debriefing
This task was all about assembling patches into the final shape for our car. The nice thing
about this process is that it requires almost no thinking, because the complex part of the
job (creaing the correct topology) has been already solved.
Two very nice tools that aid a lot in performing this task are the Snap opion and the Merge
tool. Snap ofers a very basic but extremely useful set of opions to move parts of the mesh
around and posiion them exactly where we want, very fast. The Merge tool shows how
helpful it is in cases such as ours, when we need to connect separated patches of a mesh.
The Merge tool is very handy, more so when used just ater a snapping operaion, which
speeds things up a lot.
Creating the Wheels
Unil now, we have been modeling the main body of our car. Now that it's ready, it's ime to
create the wheels, both the ires and the rims. For this, we will use a very simple approach,
and get it done very fast. A small adjustment to help with this part is to open the User
Preferences window ( File → User Preferences ), then locate the Ediing tab, and change
the Align opion to " View " (let column); ater changing this seing, the User Preferences
window can be closed.
Engage Thrusters
1. Let's start by enabling the quad view mode for the 3D Viewport ( View → Toggle
Quad View or press Ctrl + Alt + Q ), then locate the 3D Cursor in the center of the
front wheel of the blueprint (right view), and in the border of the wheel (front view).
2. With the 3D Cursor in place, let's add a circle in the right view (press Shift + A , then
select Circle ), set its Vertices parameter to 10 (press F6 immediately ater creaing
the circle, to change its seings), and also reduce its radius parameter unil the circle
correctly shapes the border of the ire. Now go to the front view and make sure that
this circle is located in the place where the ire of the blueprint starts curving upside.
3. Coninue by extruding the circle to the let-hand side and move it enough to reach
the other "corner" of the ire.
4. Then select the circle to the right-hand side (front view), extrude it to the left-hand
side just slightly (locking the movement to the X axis), and then scale it down to
shape the curve of the ire.
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