Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Protection, reconstruction and control of the use of coastal and ocean resources
based on understanding the laws of ecosystems
2. Understanding the laws of climate change in order to increase the ability of the
society to respond to them (note that the document uses two synonymic notions:
variability and change with respect to climate without their clear de
3. Provision of information on climate and water resources.
4. Maintenance of national commercial interests by provision of ecologically
reliable information to ensure safe and ef
cient transportation. Of course, safe
and ef
cient systems of transportation are one of the key components of
economy. This concerns all kinds of transportation: land, sea, and air.
Six directions of developments are considered most substantial:
(1) Creation of the system of integral (complex) observations of the global
environment, processing and analysis of observational data.
(2) Ef
cient resolution of the problem of propagation of knowledge about the
(3) Accomplishment of the needed scienti
c studies.
c cooperation.
(5) Resolution of national security problems.
(6) An adequate resolution of the organizational problems.
The NOAA strategic plan foresees an achievement of the following strategic
goals for the
(4) Provision of an ef
cient scienti
first of the four directions of developments mentioned above:
Increasing the number of coastal and marine ecosystems is not subjected to
unfavourable changes and being in a stable condition.
Raising the socio-economic importance of the marine environment and
respective resources (sea food, recreations, tourism, etc.).
Improving the living conditions for coastal and marine
flora and fauna.
Increasing the number of species protected from unfavourable impacts.
Increase the number of cultivated species up to an optimal level.
Improving the environmental quality in the coastal and marine regions.
An achievement of the enumerated goals should be based on the use of the
ecosystem approach, and in this connection, on extending the scale of studies of
various ecosystems dynamics within the framework of three strategic directions:
(a) Protection, reconstruction, and control of the use of resources of coastal and
marine regions as well as Great Lakes.
(b) Reconstruction of species and their habitats to be protected.
(c) Expansion and maintenance of stable
To achieve the goals of the NOAA SP, of key importance is to create a complex
system of the environmental monitoring which would provide the obtaining, pro-
cessing, and analysis of the data on the ocean-atmosphere-land interactive system
from local to global scales.
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