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Ecological policy and its connections with ecodynamics.
In particular, bearing in mind the use of technologies, institutional measures and
risk control. Quite separate are the problems of interaction of science and
ecological policy. As for the concrete factors of ecodynamics, the UNEP Pro-
gramme (2004, 2006) has justly emphasized the
first priority of analysis and
assessment of the role of interaction between problems such as biodiversity,
climate change, degradation of soils fertility, fresh water, coastal and marine
environment, local and regional air quality, ozone layer depletion, persistent
organic pollutants (POPs), and heavy metals.
Questions to be answered are as follows:
What are the key interactions between various environmental changes and what
factors determine them?
How are interactions between various anthropogenic impacts realized and how
can they be
if needed?
How do interactions between products provided by ecosystems and ecosystems
functioning manifest themselves?
What are present interactions between impacts and responses to them and how
can they be either re-grouped or removed in case of necessity to change inter-
actions in the NSS?
As for the goals of the socio-economic development mainly during the period up
to 2015 (compared to 1999 conditions), the main problems include (Dodds and
Pippard 2005):
Liquidation of extreme poverty and starvation (halving the number of people
with the income less than 1 $/day).
Realization of universal elementary education.
Provision of sexual equality and raising the role of women.
Reduction of infant mortality (children below 5 years) by 2/3 by the year 2015.
Improvement of mothers
health (reduction of mortality in childbirth by 3/4).
Struggle against HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases.
Provision of ecodynamics stability (liquidation of decreasing trends of the
environmental quality, halving the number of people without access to good-
quality drinking water, improvement of living conditions for, at least, 100
million people living in slums).
Development of cooperation in the interests of socio-economic development
(with emphasis on the problem of the developing countries
Serious efforts to substantiate the priorities of the environmental studies in the
21st century have been undertaken by the NOAA scientists who developed the
Strategic Plan (SP) for the period 2003
2007 and later (NOAA 2003, 2012;
Lautenbacher 2005). Speci
is life-saving
information about hurricanes and other severe storms, as well as the data to monitor
the Earth. The SP determines the priority of the four directions of developments for
the NOAA:
c attention is given to the NOAA
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