Geoscience Reference
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based on the agreement on cooperation and partnership. An accomplishment of
adequate systems of life support is only possible on the basis of respective
international agreements.
It becomes more and more clear that the present system of market economy does
not provide the transition from the unstable to stable trajectory of development.
The respective effort undertaken in the spheres such as education, legislation,
and management cannot be considered suf
cient. Non-governmental and reli-
gious organizations can play a more constructive role.
To stimulate the transition to sustainable development, a complex accom-
plishment of a series of measures is needed based on understanding the present
situation complexity.
It is extremely important to realize the fact that further development of the
consumption society will lead to a global ecological disaster and civilization
collapse. The only resolution of the problem consists in rejection of the
traditional paradigm of the consumption society and in radical change of the
way of life based on admission of priorities of spiritual values.
South social contrasts, immediate measures are
needed on rendering help to developing countries based on realization of the
UN recommendations.
It is the biotic regulation conception that should serve the basis for the first
priority of the UNEP Programme (UNEP 2006), which is de
To overcome the North
ned as an interaction
between man and the environment the conceptual approach to analysis of inter-
actions. This problem can be resolved with the use of the UNEP DPIR (Drivers,
Pressures, Impact, Response) model, which describes the cause-and-effect con-
nections between ecological and socio-economic NSS components.
Concrete directions of the ecological development include:
Natural and anthropogenic environmental changes.
In this context, of key importance is a system classi
cation and priorities of
interaction between natural and anthropogenic changes of the environment. It
should be emphasized that this unresolved problem is among the major reasons
of the extremely contradictory character of the existing conclusions with respect
to the nature of the present global climate change. The UNEP document has
justly emphasized the priority of the problems of biogeochemical interactions
and cycles. Even in the case of carbon cycle we are still far from an adequate
understanding of the most substantial mechanisms of its formation.
Ecological factors and humans
Both positive and negative ecological factors demand attention. Positive factors
include ecosystems that perform functions of life support (water, food, recre-
ations, and many others). Various factors of ecological stress (diseases, agri-
cultural pests, natural disasters, etc.) are negative.
Anthropogenic impacts on the environment.
In this connection of special interest is an analysis of demographic dynamics
and conditions of socio-economic development.
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