Geoscience Reference
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based on the principles of simulation modeling and includes two types of models:
dynamic and logico-informational. The dynamic model describes the temporal
transformation for all characteristic parameters of the system, combines a group of
models of the physical processes and determines the quantitative changes and
relationships in the system. The logico-informational model, with the help of the
Boolean algebra, assesses the quality of the system for various ranges of the values
of its parameters. The logical-informational model is based on the notion of the
functioning element characterized by the vector of state X (Mi, i ,{C ij }, {P ik }) where
M i is the power of the functional element i, C ij is the indicator of the consumption
by the i-th functioning element of the j-th resource per its unit power, P ik is the
production of the k-th resource per unit power of the functioning element. The state
of the functioning element is described by a set of the X ij indicators of its provision
with the resources C ij :
a ij ;
a ij
1fC ij 2
x ij ΒΌ
a ij ;
a ij
0fC ij
In a general case, the estimates a ij
and a ij are functions of many parameters and
of M i , in particular.
The functioning elements of EES include groups of the population of the region,
objects of economic activity (transport, agriculture, industrial enterprises, municipal
services, parks, beaches, sanatoria, ports and levees, etc.) and natural objects. Of
course, in the synthesis of a simulation model it is impossible to re
ect the inter-
action of all EES elements. Therefore it is necessary to select a
first-priority group
of these elements, attributing the rest of them to the background load. In analysis of
EES in the coastal regions only those objects of economic activity are chosen which
directly affect the marine environment. The scheme proposed by Khudoshina
(1996) to parameterize the EES functioning in the zone of sea-land interaction is
shown in Fig. 9.25 .
Fig. 9.25 Scheme of interaction of anthropogenic factors of land and marine environment
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