Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 1.20 The information-functional structure of the global model. The notation is given in
Table 1.6
support emitting to the environment products of metabolism and other complex
mineral and organic compounds of chemical elements in the form of non-assimi-
lated food or dead biomasses. As a result of the biosphere evolution, a stable chain
of global biogeochemical cycles has been formed whose violation in the second half
of the 20th century has made humankind face many principal problems such as an
unpredicted climate change due to the greenhouse effect, a decrease of biodiversity,
progressing deserti
cation, and many others. Indeed, questions about what is the
matter with the Earth
s climate and what are the consequences for the ozone layer
depletion remain unanswered despite huge economic expenditures on their study.
Now it is clear that these and other nature-protection questions cannot be
answered without developing an effective global monitoring system based on the
global model of the biosphere/climate/society system as GIMS item, one of the
basic units of which is the unit simulating the biogeochemical cycles of basic
chemical elements of the biosphere (Zhu and Anderson 2002; Kondratyev et al.
2002). It is this approach under conditions of implementation of the Kyoto Protocol
fluxes of pollu-
tants and to estimate permissible emissions of carbon, chlorine, sulfur,
ideas that will make it possible to assess the anthropogenic
methane, and other chemical elements to the environment as well as to regulate the
problems of the GHGs emissions market (Kalb et al. 2004; Pan 2005).
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