Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 7
Tropical Cyclogenesis and Ecoinformatics
7.1 Introduction
Undoubtedly, the state of the ocean-atmosphere system (OAS) plays an important
role in the life of many countries. For instance, the tropical cyclones as hazardous
state of the OAS occupy a speci
c position on the potential damages caused by
hurricanes, where the risks for economic losses and victims are very high. So,
hurricanes, as the
final phase of the tropical cyclone, pose a serious threat to many
countries in both economic and human terms. That is why the problem of the
prediction of the start, the motion and the intensity of a tropical cyclone is important
for the solution of the problem of tropical cyclones.
It has been considered that the tropical cyclogenesis is linked to speci
c solar
processes. For instance, the
fluctuations of the
flow of galactic cosmic rays were
found to be in phase with
le of the
atmosphere initiating tropical cyclones (Callaghan and Power 2011; Bondur et al.
2009; Bondur and Krapivin 2014; Enz 2006; Stauffer and Aharony 1994). Very
recently, an out of phase relationship between hurricane activity and the 11-year
solar cycle have been noticed (Elsner et al. 2010). The latter revealed that this
opposite correlation is not caused by the solar and cosmic variations, but instead, by
fluctuations in the vertical temperature pro
fluctuations of the solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation (Kondratyev and Varotsos
1996; Varotsos 2005).
It should be therefore of great importance to investigate the phenomenon of the
tropical hurricanes from its initial stages of its formation, in order to go further to its
prediction. The development of satellite and other observational methods resulted in
the routine observational analysis of the parameters that describe the start of the
tropical hurricanes and their evolution in the early stages, thus allowing the reduction
of risks of this dangerous natural phenomenon (Cracknell and Varotsos 2007;
Soldatov et al. 2011; Nitu et al. 2013a, b; Krapivin et al. 2007b; Topics Geo 2003
2008). In this context, the satellite passive microwave radiometric methods serve as
an important
tool for the determination of oceanographic and meteorological
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