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the biocomplexity indicator was realized by means of the use of methods of stability
and ecosystem survivability theory. Into the framework of this study, it is supposed
to adopt and develop this with reference to the conditions of the Okhotsk Sea
ecosystem functioning.
Biocomplexity of the Okhotsk Sea ecosystem is considered as a derivative of
totality of biological, physical, chemical, social, and anthropogenic interactions
between the environmental sub-systems that impact on this ecosystem. Biocom-
plexity is a complex index describing the dynamic interactions within the envi-
ronmental system, taking into consideration of the human factors.
Humankind has accumulated suf
cient knowledge about environmental systems.
The use of this knowledge to study the biocomplexity is possible within the
framework of the synthesis of a global model that re
ects the laws of interactions
between environmental components and permits assess to an
of real-
ization of the scenarios of the human society development, based on the data of
ground and satellite measurements.
Into the framework of this study, a biocomplexity conception is connected with
laws of Okhotsk Sea ecosystem, functioning as unity of its elements that have
different temporal and spatial scales. To de
ne and assess it will develop a joint
formal description of biological, geochemical, geophysical and anthropogenic
factors and processes, taking place on a given level of spatial-temporal hierarchy
scales and standards, including the dependencies of these factors and processes on
the global changes in the biosphere and climate. The formation of the Okhotsk Sea
ecosystem biocomplexity is studied at the expense of existing data about laws of its
sub-system functioning, taking into consideration of the spatial and biological
levels of their formation. The simulation model of the ecosystem functioning within
the arctic climate conditions will be created. The stress full situations that can arise
by natural and anthropogenic reasons will be studied, basing on this model. The
characteristics of the ecosystem and components survivability will be de
ned, as
well as allowable levels for the anthropogenic impacts will be established. Taking
into account of the human factor and of in
uence of global changes on the Okhotsk
Sea ecosystem, will be realized by means of global model of
system that was developed by Krapivin and Kelley (2009). An integral index for the
ecosystem state was introduced as an indicator of biocomplexity for the formalized
description of biocomplexity. It allows to characterize the level of correlation
between the Okhotsk Sea sub-system and to introduce numerical scale of bio-
complexity, which gives a new level for the analysis of biological, chemical and
physical processes of interactions between the ecosystem elements (Kelley et al.
1992a, b, 1999a, b).
As a result of this study, the oceanologic conditions in all scales of the Sea of
Okhotsk, on the basis of satellite supervision is investigated. Also, the oceanologic,
hydrochemical and zooplankton conditions are studied in the gulf of Aniva, during
various seasons of year on the basis of ship shootings; the analysis of materials of
tool measurements of currents (east shelf of island Sakhalin) (Shevchenko et al.
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