Geoscience Reference
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¼ H 7 ;m þ H 10 ;m H 2 ;m
y k
S k ;m =@
t þ v u @
S k ;m =@u þ v k @
S k ;m =@k
ð 6
25 Þ
ln 2
t m
H 9 ;m H 11 ;m y k S k ;m
where H 1, ʽ is the rate of radionuclide washing away from the soil with
ow K, H 2, ʽ
is the radionuclide input to the river from the ground water with
ow J, H 3, ʽ is the
transport of the radionuclide to the area X k through the boundary of Ω by the AYRS
tributaries, H 4, ʽ
ows U, F and M; H 5, ʽ is the
radionuclide sedimentation to the river bottom by gravitation and with the dead
biomass of the river ecosystem; H 6, ʽ is the washing away of the radionuclide from
the sediments; H 7, ʽ is the radionuclide leakage to the ground water with
is the radionuclide carried out with
ow R; H 8, ʽ
is the anthropogenic source of the radionuclide; H 9, ʽ is the radionuclide input to the
soil from the ground water by
ow N; H 10, ʽ
is the radionuclide washing out form
the soil to the ground water by P
ow; H 11, ʽ
is the radionuclide losses by sedi-
mentation in the ground water; and H 12, ʽ
is the radionuclide input by rain. The
D k ¼ q k r k C k , y k ¼ r k G k ,
D k ¼ l k ð 1 q k Þ r k and
w k ¼ r k q k r k , where
l k is the thickness of the ef
cient soil layer on the area
X k , and r k is the thickness of
the sediment layer.
, 12) are parameterized by linear models according to the
papers of Krapivin (1995) and Nitu et al. (2000a). The BIO and CPK blocks are
described by similar balance models in analogy with the models described by
Somes (1999) and Kram (1999). The AYRS biology is given in the form of a
scenario or is described by the model of Legendre and Krapivin (1992). The
ows H i, ʽ (i =1,
of heavy metals include an assimilation of dissolved fractions by plankton H Z
, the sedimentation of solid fractions H e , the absorption
from sediments by living elements H e ;w
and by nekton H F
, sedimentation with the dead organic matter
and the discharge from sediments H e ;w
by erosion, digenesis, turbulence and
anthropogenic impacts. The balance equations taking these
flows into account have
the same form as the Eqs. ( 6.22 )
( 6.25 ):
¼ X
i¼1 a
D k @
t þ l k @
e w
e w
2 Q i e ;w H e þ a 1 H e ;w
ð 6
26 Þ
D k @w w
t þ l k @w k
¼ ð 1 a 1 Þ H e ;w H Z
w H D
ð 6
27 Þ
@ t ¼ H e a 1 H e ;w þ H e ;w
w k @
ð 6
28 Þ
w k @w
t ¼ H D
w ð 1 a 1 Þ H e ;w þ H e ;w
ð 6
29 Þ
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