Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
system, which includes the basis of models that describe the environmental sub-
systems that enable environmental diagnosis. A GIMS
oriented system shell is
formed to formalize the input information. An additional database level is syn-
thesized to have multiple assignments of semantic structures with real environ-
mental subsystems with variable dimensions. Such GIMS completion is formed
through IMTEM that offers additional functions, like:
maximum utilization of the monitoring data about the environmental objects in
presence of unremovable information;
conducting experiments from ground locations, mobile platforms and aircraft/
satellite combining the advantages of microwave radiometers, optical sensors
and other means;
incorporation into the remotely sensed data
flow of the GPS-positioned in situ
measurements and prior knowledge-based information; and
adaptation of the GIMS structure and functions to the environmental sub-system
under the study.
, where
element a i1, ,is matches the object, process, phenomenon, event or other envi-
ronmental bifurcation. Actually, matrix A i is the parametrical image of the real
environmental subsystem with its speci
Let us designate semantic structures by the matrix symbol A i ¼
a i1 ;...; is
ects the
dimension of the informational type for the subsystem section. The structures {A i }
identify both the spatial distributionof the subsystem components and their types
and parameters. The basic structures of {A i } have four dimensions: i 1 by latitude, i 2
by longitude, i 3 by height, and i 4 by time. Other structures of {A i } determine model
c features. Parameter s re
types of soil-plant
formations (SPFs), precipitation,
radiation, etc.
The semantic structures {A i }, called identi
ers, are used by the basic models for
the formation of initial
fields, validation of model output, and for preparation of the
final or intermediate reports. Land cover classi
cation is the main function of the
GIMS. The identi
er of basic land cover classes provides a correspondence
between different types of SPFs and their parameters and spatial structure. An
example of such an identi
er elements can
have a vector structure connected with the description of various classi
er is given in Fig. 1.2 . Each of the identi
cations of
land cover and allowing the formation of global land cover classi
cation maps by
means of interpolation and extrapolation through the analysis of satellite data.
The GIMS database together with the structures of the {A i } consists of infor-
mation about the model coef
cients and a set of scenario fragments. The structures
{A i } link up the knowledge base with the database. Each symbol of A i is decoded in
conformity with the depth hierarchy and re
ects just how reliable the description of
the environmental subsystem is, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
cation procedure allows formal description of the environmental sub-
system image with
fixation of geographical coordinates. According to scheme of
Fig. 1.2 , series of identi
ers are placed to the GIMS database. These identi
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