Geoscience Reference
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Simulation experiments analogous to these given above, help to assess the
ecosystem characteristics, the measurement of which in real conditions is impos-
sible or inaccurate. One of such characteristic is the vertical water lifting velocity
V z , the existing evaluations of which vary in a range from 10 โˆ’ 4 to 0.1 cm/s. The
MUE experiments show that when V z <10 โˆ’ 4 cm/s upwelling ecosystem evolves
during no more than several days, but when V z >10 โˆ’ 1 cm/s it rapidly collapses
without stable state.
4.7 Biocomplexity Indicator as a Predictor
of the Ecosystem State
The ecosystem complexity is formed in transition of its relations with environment.
Almost every ecological system is complex. Classical examples of complex eco-
system include the behaviour of upwelling ecosystems discussed above. For
instance, tropical cyclones bringing heavy destructions on the land generate the
zones of upwelling in the ocean and create conditions for high productivity of
phytoplankton due to the lifting of biogenic elements from depths to surface waters.
As a result, the trophic pyramid of the zone of the tropical cyclone
s impact
becomes complex leading to the growth of biocomplexity of the ecosystem of this
zone. In general, humans in
uence on oceanic ecosystems is growing and as a
result, it is necessary to search the indicators for the control of oceanic ecosystem
productivity and survivability. Biocomplexity is one of such indicators that help to
resolve much of the controversy about the impact that humans are having on health
and stability of oceanic ecosystems relative to the effects of natural changes in the
ocean. Biocomplexity indicator can help to investigate any environmental system
taking into consideration the existing nonlinearities and feedback processes
(Krapivin 2008a).
According to Szathm
ry and Griesemer (2003), the ratio between living and
non-living substances determines the vitality of the natural system and answers the
question whether it is alive. The natural system accomplishes the transition between
its extreme states due to its changing complexity, whose indicator can serve a
forerunner of a critical state. In particular, such transitions can be caused by climate
change. The successful search of such indicators depends on our knowledge of the
laws of the living world and its evolution. The basic concepts of ecology developed
by Beeby and Brennan (2003) suggest the conclusion that living systems of any
level respond to an approaching natural catastrophe.
The problem of the interaction of various elements and processes in the global
nature-society system (NSS) in common, and in the ocean-atmosphere system
(OAS) in particular, has recently attracted the attention of many scientists. Attempts
to assess and forecast the dynamics of this interaction have been made in different
c directions. One of these attempts is the Biocomplexity Program set up in
the U.S.A. by the National Science Foundation, which plans to study and
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