Geoscience Reference
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environmental monitoring is feasible with the use of simulation methods allowing
the development of a model for the investigation of the natural subsystem.
The development of models for the description of environmental, biogeo-
chemical, hydrophysical, climatic and socio-economic processes (that provide the
synthesis of images for its subsystems), inevitably demands the establishment of
monitoring systems with processing and formation of suitable databases. As has
already been demonstrated by many authors there exist several balanced criteria for
the information selection, taking into account the hierarchy in the cause-effect
correlations within the biosphere. These include a co-ordination of the acceptance
and the depth in the spatial discretisation, in order the atmosphere, the land eco-
systems and the hydrosphere to be fully described (Krapivin 2000b; Mustard 2001;
Smith 2008).
As it has already been shown by numerous studies, an application of mathe-
matical modeling for the satellite monitoring systems may yield practical outcome
only with the creation of a unique data network that should be consolidated to the
model of nature-society system (NSS). In general, the reconstruction of a spatial
image of a speci
c territory of the ecosystem by utilizing the multi-channel
information from different sensors requires the accomplishment of the optimization
task. For the latter, it is necessary to determine the optimal structure for the
monitoring system with high reliability of the results obtained.
To accomplish this task the Global Information
Modeling System (GIMS) that
has been developed by Krapivin (1993, 2000d) could be employed. The GIMS tool
considers each environmental sub-system as a part of the global nature-society
system. In this case, a speci
c model of the ecosystem has boundary conditions that
are de
ned by GIMS. The development and use of the GIMS is mainly based on the
Information-Modeling Technology for the Environmental Monitoring (IMTEM)
that optimizes the monitoring system structure at the expense of its adaptive regime.
A conceptual scheme of an adaptive regime for environmental monitoring premises
the assumption of architecture of such monitoring system, which brings together
knowledge from different disciplines and enables to manage the supply of this
knowledge. This is possible through the combined use of GIS technology, simu-
lation modeling and methods for expert systems (Maguire et al. 1991).
The global information system (GIS) tool guarantees the geographical data
processing, the relation with existing databases and the topological representation
for studied territories. With the help of technology modeling, the GIS can be
extended to GIMS, modifying some functions of the user interface for computer
cartographic systems, including forecasting assessments of conditions for envi-
ronmental system functioning within prede
ned scenarios. Furthermore,
parametric changes can be used both for the evaluation of model coef
cients and for
the prognostic assessment of environmental dynamics based on the evolutionary
modeling. Such a modi
cation requires the support of combining mathematical
modeling with remote sensing to solve the following problems (Krapivin and
Shutko 2012):
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