Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
described by Kondratyev et al. (2004a). The realization of this scheme is performed
by the introduction of the geographical cell {
ʔʻ j for
the land surface and World Ocean by the latitude and longitude, respectively. So, all
processes and NSS elements are considered as uniform and are parameterized by
point models within the pixel
ˆ i ,
ʻ j } with spatial steps
ʔˆ i and
ʩ ij ={(
ˆ i ≤ ˆ ≤ ˆ i +
ʔˆ i ,
ʻ j ≤ ʻ ≤ ʻ j +
ʔʻ j }. The
choice of the pixel size is de
ned by a set of conditions that depend on the spatial
resolution of satellite measurements and the availability of a necessary global data-
base. In the case of water surface, the water body of pixel
ʩ ij is divided by depth z to
layers, i.e. three-dimensional volumes
ʩ ijk ={(
, z): (
∈ ʩ ij , z k
z k +
z k }
are formed. All elements of
ʩ ijk are considered as uniform. Finally, atmosphere
above the pixel
ʩ ij is digitized by the height in accordance with the atmospheric
pressure levels, or on typical layers by height.
It is clear that the creation of a global model is possible only with attraction of the
knowledge and data on given multidisciplinary level. Among the ensemble of global
models we consider the best to be that described by Kondratyev et al. (2004a). A block
diagram of this model is submitted in Fig. 1.21 . Kondratyev et al. (2002) describe an
adaptive procedure for a global model into a geoinformation monitoring system.
The approach of the moment of the arising of the natural catastrophe is char-
acterized by hit of the vector {xi} i } in a certain cluster of multi-dimensional space X c .
In other words, going from purely verbal discourses to quantitative determination of
this process, we shall enter the generalized feature I(t) of the natural catastrophe and
shall identify it with graduated scale
, for which the presence of the relations of the
N 1 N 2 is postulated. This means that there always
exists such value of I ðÞ ¼ q
N 1 \ N 2 ; N 1 [ N 2 or
, which de
nes the level of vicinity of the arising of the
natural catastrophe of a given type:
N ! q ¼ f ðNÞ , where f is certain transforma-
tion of the notion
natural catastrophe
in number. As a result, the value
h ¼
I ðÞq
nes the expected interval of time before the catastrophe comes.
Let us try to
j de
find a satisfactory model to portray a natural catastrophe by means of
notions and signs that comply with a formalized description and transformation. For
this purpose, we shall select m element-subsystems of undermost level in systemN
The interaction between these element-subsystems is de
ned by the matrix function
A ¼ jj a ij jj ,wherea ij is a factor of level of dependencies of the relations between
subsystem i and j. Then, the characteristic I(t) can be de
ned as the following sum:
I ð t Þ ¼ X
a ij
ð 3
37 Þ
j [ i
It is clear that in general case we have I=I(
, t). For limited territory
the area
the indicator I can be de
ned as an average value:
I X ð t Þ ¼ 1
I ðu; k;
t Þ d
ð 3
38 Þ
u;ð X
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