Geoscience Reference
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laboratory and satellites show that microwave sensing of the atmosphere is not as
good as optical methods on the short traces but is indispensable for atmospheric
control over large areas. A choice of wave range for the atmosphere sensing is
determined both by the special features of given task and by spatial scales.
A concept of assumed ecological loading on the atmosphere essentially depends
on the level of spatial-temporal consideration of the proceeding processes in the
interaction between natural environment and anthropogenic factors. Four levels
corresponding to the ecological monitoring systems can be shown.
The global level (planetary) predicts the impact of anthropogenic in
uences on
the atmosphere during intervals from several months to tens of years. Macrolevel
(continental) considers the processes connected with the trans-boundary moving of
the atmosphere pollutants between the countries or continents. A functioning of
monitoring systems is regulated by legislative statements. Spatial and temporal
scales spread thousands km and several months to year, respectively. Mesolevel
(regional) considers the atmosphere pollution process over restricted territory with
the selection of pollution sources and its chemical components. The spatial structure
of considered processes is detailed by 100 m
100 km. Temporal scales is changed
from several hours to units days. The monitoring systems of this signi
cance level
control the atmosphere state in the large industrial cities. Microlevel (local) con-
siders the processes of atmosphere pollution over the areas having linear sizes from
several to hundreds meters with the timescales from units to 10 min. The moni-
toring systems of this level registers single phenomenon with detail study of spatial
distributions of atmosphere parameters in the local area. Such systems usually are
used to control the atmosphere contamination in the zone of dangerous industries.
The atmosphere pollution sources are divided on stationary and unstationary
one. Each source is characterized by the quantity of emitted contaminants with the
c properties per unit time, by the temperature of emitted aerial mixture, by the
altitude above the earth surface, by the velocity of emitted mixture, and by
the geographical coordinates. Under this the source types are distinguished by the
geometric form (point, linera, areal) and by the emission regime (continuous action,
periodical, emitting a volley). Moreover, atmospheric pollution sources can be
first place large chemical industries, ground
and underground oil- and gas- reservoirs, gas- and product- pipes, industrial res-
ervoirs of liquid ammonia, chlorine, concentrated sulphuric acid, and also industries
connected with the emission of sulphur gas, nitrogen oxides, and hydrogen sul
ed by their hazard levels. In the
are selected (Straub 1989; Liou et al. 2010; Krapivin and Nazaryan 1997).
cational characteristics of scaleness and of physical-chemical state of
atmosphere pollution sources simplify the monitoring system design. Although
pollution source categories can be precisely classi
ed, adequate monitoring systems
often do not exist. Nevertheless, in each concrete case such correlations are inev-
itably established when an atmospheric pollutant dynamics model is created.
Remote sensing methods of the atmosphere are based on the study of electro-
magnetic and acoustic waves propagation. In the laser sensing optical radiation
scattering on the aerosol and atmosphere gases molecules is used. In the radiolo-
cation sensing the effects of turbulent pulsation is taken into account. Laser sensing
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