Geoscience Reference
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designed for radio navigation, radio communication and other civilian tasks. Many
of these radio systems are emitting permanently radio signals having high coher-
ence and stability properties. This allows one to develop radio holographic methods
that can be realized with help of the high stability and coherence of the radio signals
of the space radio systems. The radio holographic analysis of the satellite radio
holograms can be used as a tool for elaborating the data base containing important
geophysical information on the global scale with aim to reveal natural and
anthropogenic processes,
to establish relationships between atmospheric,
spheric and surface phenomena and to
find the long-scale changes connected with
climatic, meteorological, seismological and human activity. The database can be
elaborated by means of radio holographic processing of the radio holograms reg-
istered by exiting and future satellite missions (e.g. Mir, GPS/MET, CHAMP,
SAC-C radio occultation experiments). The next fundamental and practical prob-
lems are needed to solve:
1. Elaborating the radio holographic methods for high-precision determination of
the spatial distribution of the physical parameters of the atmosphere, ionosphere
and the Earth
s surface.
2. Development of the database for global geophysical monitoring of the physical
parameters of the atmosphere, ionosphere and the Earth
s surface using radio
holograms registered by low orbital satellites.
3. Analysis of the elaborated data base with aim to find the radio-physical
parameters that are sensitive to long-scale changes in the state of the atmo-
sphere, ionosphere and the Earth
s surface.
4. Elaboration of the radio holographic technology for bistatic radiolocation of the
atmospheric boundary layer and the terrestrial surfaces. The aims of this tech-
nology are:
to determine the humidity and the vertical gradients of the refractivity in the
boundary layer of the atmosphere; and
to measure parameters of the terrestrial surfaces (wind roughness and long-
scale waves in the oceans, ice distribution in the polar regions).
Elaboration of the polarimetric and interferometer methods for studying physical
parameters of the land surfaces: the electric permittivity, conductivity, soil mois-
ture, foliage parameters and the long-scale relief changes connected with seismic
and anthropogenic activity. Elaboration of the database of the global geophysical
monitoring of the Earth
s surface and the atmospheric boundary layer by means of
the processing of the radio holograms registered by MIR, GPS/MET, CHAMP,
SAC-C missions.
5. Investigation of the ionospheric effects of the natural and anthropogenic pro-
cesses by means of analysis of the radio holograms registered on the commu-
nication line satellite-satellite and Earth-satellite.
6. Modeling the greenhouse effect by means of the analysis of the developed
global geophysical database.
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