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cannot substitute for the chemico-biological balance. Therefore in this multi-
functional hierarchical set of global
fluxes of nitrogen, the most vulnerable knots
and bonds should be revealed, which is only possible within a well-planned
numerical experiment.
Preliminary estimates of an increasing anthropogenic pressure on the nitrogen
fluxes between the biospheric elements suggest a hypothesis about a strong cor-
relation existing between the fertilizers production H 9 and population density G,
anthropogenic accumulation of nitrogen at fuel burning H 2 and mineral resources
expenditure R MG , anthropogenic input of nitrogen into the atmosphere H 19 , and
intensity of emissions of general pollutions Z VG . The quantitative characteristics of
the factors of these dependences can be obtained from the known trends. From
some estimates, an amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere is pro-
portional to the weight of the used fuel with a 4 % annual increasing trend. The
scales of the industrial
fixation of nitrogen for the last 40 years increased by a factor
of 5, reaching a value that could have been
xed by every ecosystem on the Earth
before the use of the present agricultural technology. In 1968 the global industry
gave about 30
10 6 tof
fixed nitrogen and in 2000 this value reached 1 billion.
Formalize these correlations as the following models:
H 9 ¼ min U ð K Þ G ð K
H 2 ¼ k AG R MG ;
H 19 ¼ k GA Z VG
t Þ;
N A r K =r
where K is the number of an economic region, G is the average population density
of the K region,
ʻ GA are
determined from analysis of available information about the processes in ( 4.27 ). If we
assume that H 2 ¼ 0
˃ K is the area of the K region. The coef
cients U,
ʻ AG , and
154 t km 2 year 1
102 t km 2 year 1
H 19 ¼ 0
and H 9 ¼
G ¼ 24
283 t km 2 year 1 ,
4 men km 2
5 oil units km 2
then at
; R MG ¼ 30
year 1 , and Z VG = 3.39 t km 2 year 1 , we obtain U = 0.283,
10 2 , and
ʻ AG = 0.504
ʻ GA = 0.03.
1.7.4 Oxygen and Ozone Cycles Modeling
If we denote by R ʦ (
, t) and R ʺ (
, t) the produce of phytoplankton
and land
surface of the
type at the Earth surface point (
) at a time moment t, then the
fluxes to the hydrosphere and from land to the atmosphere can be described
by relationships:
H 1 ¼ a U R U H 2 ¼ a j R j H 21 ¼ a S R U
where the coef
cients a ʦ , a ʺ , and a S depend on phytoplankton species and the type
of vegetation. For
uxes: H 1 ¼
140 t O 2 km 2 year 1 , H 2 ¼ 70 t O 2 km 2 year 1 , H 2 ¼ 600 t O 2 km 2 year 1 ,
R ʦ = 401.3 t km 2 year 1 , R ʺ = 102.4 t km 2 year 1 . Then a ʦ = 0.35, a ʺ = 0.68,
their averaging we use the data on the
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