Geoscience Reference
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H 6 ) occupies a principle place in the cycle of nitrogen, especially on the territories
with cultural vegetation. For instance, an increase of the share of legumes in
agriculture can raise H 6 up to 35 t km 2 year 1 . Therefore a consideration of this
Fixation of nitrogen by plants directly from the soil via the root systems (
flux in the model is necessary and can be realized in the following form:
H 6 ¼ r j R j l j =r ij
ʼ ʺ is the constant.
The rate of assimilation of nitrogen by the roots of plants is known to depend
much on the soil temperature regime, decreasing a little with the temperature
lowering to 8
C. The motion of
nitrogen from the roots to the upper parts of the plants slows down, too. The
formula for H 6
C and dropping at temperatures below 5
ects this regularity through the respective reactions of the plants
productivity with the time lag neglected.
On land, plants assimilate annually about 30
10 6 t N from the atmosphere and
10 6 t N directly from the soil. Approximate estimates of the
productivity of various types of vegetation average R ʺ = 710 - 3243 t km 2 year 1 .
Hence, we have
more than 5.3
10 4 .
On global scales, the ways of nitrogen migration include the transport of its
compounds between land and oceans due to water run-off. The annual input of
nitrogen from land into the World Ocean is estimated at 38.6
10 5
ʼ ʺ = 0.134
to 0.506
10 6 t. If the total
sink to the ocean from land is described by the function W SO , then the nitrogen
H 11 can be approximated by the expression
H 11 ¼ k N N S2 1 exp k N W SO
ʻ N and k N are the coef
cients. The functional form foresees that the nitrogen
flux from land to the ocean is equal to zero in the absence of the run-off and its
stabilization at a level
ʻ N , with the run-off volume considerably increasing. To
estimate the parameters
ʻ N and k N , it is necessary to take into account the spatial
heterogeneity of the types of soil-vegetation formations, relief, and other geo-
physical parameters. In particular, the content of nitrogen compounds in water
differs as a function of the run-off territory. The river waters in the forest regions
with the temperate climate contain 0.4 mg
' 1 of nitrates, for the arid climate this
' 1 . The concentration of nitrates increases sharply in drainage
waters of the irrigation systems (5.5 mg
value is 1.45 mg
' 1 ), in the river waters of thickly popu-
' 1 ), and reaches a maximum in the soil solutions of the salted
irrigates soils (200 mg
lated regions (25 mg
' 1 ). Ground waters contain from 10 to 100 mg
' 1 of
10 3 km 3 ,
nitrates. The total run-off of water into the World Ocean reaches 50
30 % of which being the underground run-off, hence, the total
flux of nitrogen per
unit area of the ocean will be 0.107 t year 1 . Assuming W SO = 0.337 m and that a
95 % level of the sink saturation is reached at a
fivefold increase of W SO , we obtain
k N = 1.367,
ʻ N = 0.708.
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