Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
1.7 Models of Global Biogeochemical Cycles
1.7.1 Key Aspects of Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Key aspects of global biogeochemical cycles were discussed by Krapivin and
Varotsos (2008). Global model of the biosphere/climate/society system is basic unit
of the GIMS that parameterizes main biogeochemical cycles providing boundary
information conditions for RIMS. Figures 1.30 , 1.35 , 1.38 , 1.43 and 1.45 give a
possibility to write balance equations for each biogeochemical cycle.
Fundamental connections between characteristics of the biological state of the
environment, such as biodiversity in ecosystems, the state and dynamics of food
chains, and interactions of the biosystem with the cycle of biogenic elements have
been poorly studied, both in land and water ecosystems. Among numerous ques-
tions appearing in studies of the global biogeochemical processes the following are
of key importance:
(1) What physical, biological, chemical and social processes are the basic ones in
regulation of the cycles of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, water and other elements
both in space and in time?
What mathematical relations are determinants in the parameterization of
biological processes in the computer models of biogeochemical cycles?
What are dependences between biodiversity, stricture of ecological chains,
and biogeochemical cycles in land and water ecosystems?
What processes are determinants in the transport of biogenic salts and
pollutants in space in general and between various ecosystems,
What are mechanisms that relate one biogeochemical cycle to another, and
do general principles of parameterization of these relations exist or they
depend on the type of chemical elements and ecosystems under
(2) What are forms and ways of anthropogenic interference to global biogeo-
chemical cycles?
How do humans influence the biogeochemical cycles, change their rates
and spatial distributions of chemical elements, forming inputs and outputs
of numerical models, and what are consequences of this interference?
How does a change in the land use strategy affect the re-distribution of
chemical elements in space and in time?
What anthropogenic pollutants are important
the biogeochemical
uence on ecosystems and how to predict them?
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